Friday, August 6, 2010

Blogging Back

First things first. I have been a bad blogger. I mean, can you blame me? I have two adorable little girls to spend my days with. Second, RIP to my laptop. I accidentally shut the power cord in the recliner and it split the wires. I don't want to waste money on a new power cord for an old laptop that is missing half the keys. (Thank you Brooke!) So I have spent the week getting familiar with Dustin's iMac and learning the ropes of a new operating system. I have to say, I like it. And last, to get to the point of this post...

I am not sure if "Blogging Back" is the right terminology for what I am trying to say but I like the way it sounds. I have been thinking about all of the blogs I follow/read and how I feel partially invested in them but have yet to show it. Despite how easy it is I never think to click on the comment section and leave a little hello, or an opinion on my post. My new goal is to comment on each post I read (as long as I have something more then "Um, hi" to say), comment back to readers who comment on my posts, and use other posts as inspiration for things I write here.

Sound good? I think so. And I encourage you to do the same!



Anonymous said...

If you want to keep using your laptop, try eBay for a new power cord. I found one for mine for $12!

Jess said...

I don't blame you for being a blog slacker, your girls are adorable! I have the same problem, so I usually play catch up on the weekends and do a post for each day the previous week and change the date on it. I am a cheater :)

Heidi said...

I love reading your blog, but unerstand whay you haven't blogged much;) You girls are so precious!

Yuliya A. said...

I sometimes do the same thing as Jess above. And honestly, who can blame you for not having enough time to blog with two kids! I mean, I just have one and I don't always get around my computer until the evening and I'm way too tired then.
Enjoy your precious girls!