Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Top 2 Tuesday

Top 2 things you want to do before you die

1. I want to take a 2 week tour of Italy and Greece. My family is from Italy so what better thing to do than visit my homeland! I would also like to actually leave the country and do something other than suntan in Mexico. Perhaps it will help me get over my fear of flying... either that or I will have a panic attack somewhere over the Atlantic Ocean.

2. I want to be a surrogate mother. Way for me to go all serious on this post, right?! There is really no gentle way to address the subject of infertility in a blog post. I love being pregnant. I feel heart broken for friends and family (and others) who have trouble having children of their own. Dustin and I currently feel like three is our limit but I would love to give the gift of a child to someone else someday down the road.



Keli said...

Found you on Top 2 Tuesday. I'm a new follower!

B said...

Stopping by from Taylor's blog :)

Being a surrogate would be AMAZING. Love your blog :)

Amber Dawn said...

Wow...that's incredibly sweet and what an amazing gift that would be for someone.

CourtneyKeb said...

I totally admire those with the will and strength to do such an unselfish, giving thing for someone else.

What an incredible gift!

Sarah @ A day in the life said...

Italy was one of my Top2 too! I'm dying to go there! I read your pregnancy survey in your last post, Molly Grace was our girl name! Love it!