Monday, January 26, 2009


Brooke has learned the art of giggles. Around 2 and 1/2 months she started letting out small laughs but this week we learned how to make her giggle. Tickling works something, other times giving her kisses all over her face works. It is so great to watch her smile and make her giggle, and I cannot wait to hear the adorable belly laugh. Another thing she has accomplished recently is grasping on to thing, things other than my earrings and hair. A week or two ago I introduced a love to her (a blanket with a Pooh head on it) and she started sucking on it while she napped. Now she holds it whenever she is in her bouncy chair. When she starts grasping the head more I am going to try and introduce larger toys.

Sunday we had our friends Randi and Matt over for lunch and games. We have gone to their house twice now for dinner and games so it felt nice to reciprocate the gesture. Our favorite games are Catch Phrase and Cranium, SO FUN! It is also great to have another couple with a baby to get together with. Their daughter is almost 6 months old and it is amazing to see the difference between her and Brooke. Part of me wants Brooke to stay little for ever but another wants her to reach more milestones, talk, walk, jump, run, play... okay, I'm getting carried away.

That is all I have for now.


Megan said...

I totally agree that I feel torn between wanting Elli to grow and wanting her to stay the same! It brings new meaning to Carpe Diem! She is so adorable! I love looking at her monthly pics and seeing how much she has changed. It's hard to believe Elli will be changing that much, too!

Megan said...

edit: "She" meaning Brooke!