Sunday, July 26, 2009

9 Months

OK, so this post comes a little late since Brooke was 9 months over a week ago, but better late than never right? Anyway, I cannot believe that our baby girl is already 9 months old. She is 3/4 of the way to her 1st birthday and that is just a scary thought. So what is Brooke up to?....

- She is crawling all over the place
- She pulls up on anything her level and cruises
- She can stand with out holding on to anything for long periods of time, no steps yet
- She waves at certain times, it is hard to get her to do it on demand
- She can play "How big is Brooke? SO BIG!" by throwing her hands up in the air. So cute!
- She says Mama but still can't associate her sounds with anyone or anything
- She opens and closes doors and drawers
- She has 8 teeth and is working on a couple more
- She knows to pose for the camera when the flash light comes on, it is hilarious

We have her 9 month appointment on Wednesday so I will have to update with her height and weight. Also, we just got back from a wedding in Chicago so I need to make a post with some pictures from our fun night!

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