Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Things I wish I had known...

Here is a random list of things I wish I had known in high school...

1. Tanning is really really bad for you.

2. You will regret your belly button piercing once you become pregnant.

3. Get good grades and apply for scholarships because the less years you spend paying off school loans the happier you will be.

4. Fake nails are full of bacteria and considered tacky in most social circles. Who knew?

See. Random and short.


Caroline said...

ooh girl i am SO w/you on the belly button ring.... and to think, it was just starting to look halfway decent when i go get pregnant again. eek!! lol.

Melinda said...

you are hilarious! i'm so guilty of all those.

Unknown said...

Ewww those nails make me gag!

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