Sunday, August 30, 2009

Shopping Trip!

Brooke's fever broke Friday night so we were able to keep our very exciting Saturday plans. Outlet mall shopping!! We headed out yesterday morning to our friends Matt and Randi's house and loaded up their car with ourselves and the kids. We spent hours hitting our favorite stores and doing damage. I am going to post some pictures of the damage we did at the Carters outlet, with a little addition from the Nike outlet.


I may have to argue this statemet

I love these vest outfits!

Jammies! True of course!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Sick Baby

I know today is supposed to be a Wish List Wednesday or a Wordless Wednesday, but I am exhausted. Monday afternoon Brooke started to get really clingy and fussy and I noticed she felt a little warm. I took her temperature and sure enough, her fever was around 101.6. The next day... 102.2. Thankfully it came down after that but her fussiness and need to be held continued. This afternoon I took it once more and it is up to 103. SO, needless to say, she has a doctor's appointment tomorrow and we are lying low for awhile. Poor little girl!

Friday, August 21, 2009

Best Sound!

I am convinced this is the best sound in the world!

And in case it does not work:: Click HERE!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Sunday, August 16, 2009

10 Months Old

Yesterday Brooke turned 10 months old! 10 months!!! I know I say this each month, but time really is flying by. Brooke has made lots of discoveries this past month and I will try and recount all of them for you.

The week we got back from vacation she started standing on her own. As in, standing in the middle of a room with out holding on to any objects. It is so cute to watch her stand because she looks too little to be doing it!

We also taught her how to play "SO BIG!" and she fully understands the words now. She has a Fisher Price toy that says "SO BIG!" and she throws her hands up in the air for it.

Just in the past week or so she learned how to clap and does so while saying "Aaaaaaaaaaa" which I assume means "yay"!

I am convinced she can say "dog" but the jury is still out on that one. Her other words consist of "Dada" and "Mama". I am proud of that last one!

And finally. Drum roll please....

She is taking steps!!!! At first we had to trick her into taking steps but now if you set her down she will try and take one or two steps before falling to the ground. It is only a matter of time before she starts walking!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

It is here!

Football Pre-Season!


Happy Thursday!

New Stuff

Ok, I successfully changed the URL of the blog (thank you Ashley!) and in process it deleted all of the blogs I follow on my blog list. I need to write them down and keep a record because I think this is the second or third time this has happened. I was able to track down some through google so sorry if I forgot you. Hopefully I will get them all back soon enough.

I should also note that if you were following me using Blog List, or some other Blogger add-on, it most likely removed me or the link will be broken. Just a heads up!

And thanks to those who read this blog with each update! I don't have a huge following but I appreciate those who put an effort into reading what I write. I am currently working on exploring the blog world and reaching out to comment on blogs of people I am connected to in random ways!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Almost Walking

I have been trying to upload this video since the weekend and it won't work, so I am going to have to use an outside source. Hopefully this shows up...

If not, here is the link!

Friday, August 7, 2009

Some Pictures

These are some pictures I took with the Canon Rebel Xti I was able to experiment with. Man, if I had the perfect lighting and learned how to play with the manual settings, I could take the best pictures! I am getting giddy again.

Playing in the saucer outside

Eating toys, as usual

So big!

Happy girl

Such a happy little girl!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Wish List Wednesday

This post is going to be centered around one item, and it is an item that I have already used in WLW before! It is all I have been able to think about this week!

I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to have this Canon Rebel Xsi. I am a picture taking maniac and would love to take photography classes in the future. I was able to play with a similar model of this camera this weekend and it was more amazing than I could have imagined.

This portrait lens to go with the new camera, since those are the types of pictures I will be taking!

And lastly, this flash to go with the new camera and new lens! I get giddy thinking about how awesome my pictures could look if I bounced flash off of things!

Monday, August 3, 2009

The Weekend

We had a wonderful weekend! Dustin was gone for most of it so Brookie and I had a girl fest. Saturday we headed to our friends Matt and Randi's house for their daughter Teagan's first birthday party! Brooke had a blast playing with the other kids but had some trouble keeping up at times.

Teagan pushing Brooke in the Cozy Coupe

"Hey, I want back in there!"

Teagan taking Brooke's bow

Saturday night Jena came and picked us up to go to the Junior Miss pageant at the high school. Dustin's mom was a pageant mom so we got to support her girl and watch a little "show". Brooke did pretty well but whenever the master of ceremonies came up to talk she would yell at him.

Sunday Jena and I were texted each other and she invited Brooke and I to go shopping with her. First we stopped by the hospital to bring lunch to her husband, Wes, and then we went and got ourselves lunch at Reb Robin! Yum! Afterward we spent over an hour in Old Navy picking out clothes, trying them on, and then purchasing a few of course! We rushed home to get to a cookout at some friends house where we had a corn hole tournament and great food. I even got to play with a Canon Rebel, which is the camera I want to get this Fall. When I get those pictures I will post them!